For all kind of Events!

Use The LIT App for weddings, corporate events, social gatherings and much more!

Album Privacy Settings

Create Private albums to let people see their own photos only OR Create Public albums to let everyone see all photos

Album QR code

Auto generated QR code for printing and placing at events for guests to join the album

Client Favourites

Client can select images for your reference for further editing or album printing

Get the most out of The LIT

Transform the way you share your photographs with your clients

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I brand my photos on the LIT App?
Absolutely! With LIT App, you can add your logo, name, and social media links to your shared photos, allowing you to showcase your brand and increase your visibility. Further, you can easily add watermark to all your pictures.
Can I control who can view and upload photos in my albums?
Yes, you have full control over the privacy settings of your albums on LIT App. You can choose who can view and upload photos, ensuring that you maintain the desired level of privacy and control.
Is there a limit to the number of photos I can upload?
No, there is no limit to the number of photos you can upload on the LIT App. Feel free to upload as many photos as you need to create stunning albums and share your work with others.
Is there a limit to the number of photos I can upload?
No, there is no limit to the number of photos you can upload on the LIT App. Feel free to upload as many photos as you need to create stunning albums and share your work with others.
Can I organize my photos into different albums?
Absolutely! LIT App provides you with the flexibility to create multiple albums for different events, clients, or projects. This allows you to keep your photos organized and easily accessible.